Monday, October 19, 2009

Just Another Manic Lunedi

Buena Sera, Amici!

Come Stai? (see you guys can learn Italian too). How am I, you ask..? Well, I could be better. I managed to catch a really bad cold that consists of every symptom you can think of: sore throat, stuffy nose, runny nose, cough, congestion, never-ending sleepiness, loss of appetite and freezing cold 24/7. So much fun when you’re a million miles from home :( However, I am one of many in my classes that has this cold so at least I know I’m not allergic to Rome or anything ;)
Alas, this put a major damper on my weekend plans. I can’t even remember what I did Friday night, but Saturday I went to IKEA(!) and the largest mall in all of Europe, which just happens to be right outside of Rome. I went with my friends' Isabella (from Sweden) and Clementina (from Venezuela). We shopped ‘til we literally dropped and complained the whole bus ride back to our station how tired we were. At this point it was 7:30pm and we promised our friends Mandy and Annemarijn that we’d go to the discoteca that night. So, we had to put on a happy face and rush home to be ready to meet them BACK at the station by 9:30pm.*deep breath* So, I hurry through the fastest shower of life and jump on the bus and get to the termini to meet Mandy and Annemarijn to only get a text from Isabella that she and Clementina probably weren’t coming anymore. Ugh! I even showed up in heels! Which is quite gusty with all the cobblestone. Luckily Katie thought ahead and brought sandals ;)
Well, Mandy, Annemarijn, and I decided to head out anyways and I told Isabella to text me if they changed their minds. By the time we got to the bus stop near the Vatican, death was upon me. My nose was about to fall off and I had the chills beyond recovery (even in 60 degree weather). So, we decided to just head to a caffe in a nearby square. It was gorgeous. Actually it was one of the squares that was in Angels and Demons (the movie). I never saw the movie but Mandy is obsessed with Dan Brown so she knows all the spots. Lucky for her, she lives right near the Vatican so she sees stuff like this all day, every day. Anywho, we enjoyed some cappuccinos and hot ciccolate as I simultaneously died from the decreasing amount of tissues I had available. Then Mandy and Annemarijn decided to teach me some more Dutch. I didn't know that Dutch was the second hardest language to learn aside from Mandarin. Truly. This is a fact. I think it’s a beautiful language. It sounds like German but less harsh on the tongue. Kinda like German with a French twist. I duno, either way, I learned how to count in Dutch and say a few random words so that was fun. My nose also made some of the words impossible to pronounce so we had a good laugh over my incessant incapability to sound pretty when I speak another language.
However, after my nose made it apparent that he was running the show for the night, I decided to pick up a cab and head home to die at least in a semi-warm bed.
On Sunday, I ventured around my neck of the woods to find a supermarket and then laid in bed all day watching Friends episodes and When Harry Met Sally (best movie of all time).
Today, class was the same ol’ class. I went to try to see a movie with the other American, Jan, but the theatre was closed. Bummer. So, we’re gonna try another time.
Tomorrow, it’s time to visit the Colosseum!! Can’t wait. I had a sneak peek of it with Ursula on our first-day tour of Rome. But tomorrow will be the real deal, and in Italian too! It’ll be a long day with classes from 9-5pm but at least there’s time for fun afterwards :) Again, I promise pictures are sure to come. Probably this weekend.
Well, as always, I miss everyone and hope you’re enjoying the blogs. I’ll try to post at least once a week. Don’t forget if you ever want to email me I’d love to chat:

Love you all,

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