Monday, October 26, 2009

Campo di Fiori

Ciao Tutti,
Well, I’m not even sure where to begin with this one.
Suppose I’ll start with Saturday night…

The girls (Mandy, Annemarijn, Isabella, Clementina) and I decided to have a fun night out after a REALLY long day of tours near the Colosseum (and yes these were finally in English, thank god). We wanted to go to a discoteca we’d heard of near the Campo di
Fiori so we headed that direction around 11pm. We found the club we were looking for and unfortunately it looked a little too expensive for our budgets so we ended up just going straight to the heart of the piazza in Campo di Fiori, itself.

I don’t think we were expecting the night that resulted from this decision.
First of all, if you’ve ever been to Campo di Fiori, you’ll know that it’s a HUGE hot spot for the young crowd. And when I say young, don’t forget that the drinking age is much less in Italy, so even high schoolers were gathering here :/ kinda weird.
So, we head into an inviting bar called “Sloppy Sam’s”. Everyone in the bar seemed to be either study abroad students or Italians who really wanted to get to know Americans, because nearly everyone was speaking English.
Anywho, we grabbed some drinks and headed back to the center of the piazza to enjoy the beautiful night. As we were walking to the statue in the center of the square, a bunch of teenage boys surrounded us and literally attacked us with desperation for us to KISS THEM. Hahahaha! Like are you kidding me? Completely disgusting. I was at least 5 years older than all of them so this was all a bit disturbing.
Some of the girls were amused with the attention, but Clementina and I were certainly NOT. So, we escaped back into the bar. The bartender was very sweet (sounded like he was from London) and got us some more drinks then Clementina and I headed back onto the patio of the bar to just chill out.

The rest starts to get a little blurry from here due to the alcohol consumption going on. However, the blurrier, the more entertaining, I say…

Before we knew it, the other girls had finally escaped the boys, Isabella returning with a rose in hand. lol Just too funny.
We sat talking for a bit. We had all found some “eye candy” in our vicinity so we sat just having some nice conversations when two Italian boys come up to us and one says something that basically translates to “there’s a party in my pants”. ! . How American of them. Then, the same Italian boy introduces himself as, none-other than, Chuck Bass. I can’t be fooled. I know this is the playboy character from Gossip Girl. I quickly tell him that that’s funny because my name happens to be Blair Waldorf! Funny coincidence…
Before any more harassing could ensue, two OTHER boys at a table next to us start yelling at them in Italian telling them to bugger off and leave us alone. These new Italian boys told us that most Italians are dirt, like that. The boy talking was named, Lucca. He didn’t look quite so Italian because he had dark blonde hair and blue eyes.
The other boy looked very Italian with deep brown eyes, black hair, and dark olive skin. He’s originally from Spain, I believe, but he’s lived in Rome most of his life. His name stays in the “blurry” category. I had him repeat it about 15 times and even asked, “Come se scrive?” Which is “how do you spell it?” And of course I still can’t even remember that. Something along the lines of Ignasio..?
Anyyyyyways. We chatted with them for a while. They were both 25, and studying in college. Lucca said he wants to leave Rome asap. He hates it here. He’s lived here his whole life and said he’s just ready for a change. I can respect that. He really wants to move to New York City, which I can REALLY respect.
Eventually, Clementina got tired around 1:30 and Annemarijn and Isabella walked her to a cab. Which meant Mandy and I were going to stay out with the two cute Romans(!!).
Lucca told us the thing that stinks about Rome is that all the bars close by 2am because fights break out a LOT. And it’s true. We witnessed a real messy one right near the next bar we ventured to. Since they’ve lived here most of the lives they knew some random pubs that stay open past the normal curfew. So, we headed out for another drink. Then, that bar quickly pushed us out after about a half-an-hour and we decided to call Annemarijn to see where they were.
We met up with them quickly and the 6 of us decided to stay out a bit longer. We walked for a while trying to find some open bars but everything seemed closed. Eventually, Lucca recommended we drive to another spot near their neck of the woods.

Now. Listen up. Normally, I would NEVER do this. Never in a million years would I get into a car with a random boy who said “oh hey I know of this place where I live…” that screams BAD. But, if I’m going to be honest, and I am, I’m in FLIPPING ROME PEOPLE. I’M 22!!! AND WITH TWO CUTE ITALIAN BOYS WHO WANT TO TAKE ME OUT FOR A DRINK. AND. AND. AND. THEY’RE TWO CUTE ITALIAN BOYS!!
So, we said yes.
However, if you know anything about Europe, you know the cars are teeny tiny. And if you think 6 people are going to fit into one car, you’re nuts. You’re lucky to fit 3. So, we split up. “Ignasio” picked Isabella and me up in his Smartcar, blarring “Come Together” by the Beatles because he said he remembered I liked their music. It was sweet. Isabella and I giggled the whole way there because we couldn’t believe we were in a car with an Italian boy.
Can’t imagine how I’ll react once I’m on a vespa ;) yeah. sure.
Eventually, after a crazy ride in our teeny Smartcar, we all we got to this quaint pub and continued to get to know each other, shared a margherita pizza, and finished off more drinks. Before we knew it, it was nearly 4 or 5am (set the clocks back an hour that night) and Ignasio was calling me a cab and soon I was staggering up the stairs of my apartment.

It was such a fun night and I really hope we get to hang out with Lucca and “Ignasio” again. Maybe next time I’ll have the right name in my blog lol.

Next up is a school trip to Montepulciano on Saturday, aka where they filmed New Moon in Tuscany. Yayyy!!! So, details on that are to come. Also to come, is my meeting with the screenwriter of the Twilight series, and all the Volturi cast members :)

So, as always, stay tuned..

Oh! And as a side note, I’d like to congratulate one of my best friends, Jenna Basso. She just performed at the Grand Ole Opry this past Thursday in Nashville, TN. She’s truly the most beautiful and talented country singer out there. Love you Jenna!!


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