Friday, October 16, 2009

Classi di Roma

[written two days before post-date]

Hello Hello!
So, since we last talked through my blog, I have started my real Italian language classes. And I love it! I have three professors: Claudio (who looks like Santa Claus), Susanna, and Silvia. I have class for SIX hours a day. eiy yah yaeh! But, it’s good because I am learning to speak and understand the language extremely fast and well too. It’s like jumping right into level 3 languages in college- no one is allowed to speak English, and professors REFUSE to speak anything other than Italian. But, it’s so much fun and I totally stumped my class the other day playing Hangman with “quattro formaggi” aka my favorite pizza! we’re having a good time.
Our waiters last night told me that I spoke better Italian than they speak English, so that was nice to hear. My friends poke fun of me at school because I have such an American accent compared to them. Like I say “pair fave-or-ehh” instead of “perrr favorrreh”. But, I’m working on it. I can't help I'm American!!
My classmates and I are getting closer everyday. There is one more American girl who joined our class, so I’m not completely alone in representing our country. However, my closest friends here are from Holland, Stockholm (Anthrop), Sweden, and Venezuela.
I hang out with the girls who speak Dutch a lot, so they are trying to teach me the language, as well. I’m on language overload! All of the girls are big Twilight fans (stop rolling your eyes) and this is huge. We’re all going to try to see the red carpet when the movie stars come on the 22nd for the Rome Film Festival. But, we’ll see how that plays out. But, we’re definitely going to the see New Moon when it comes here, so I’m very excited for that.
Today we talked about joining a gym together, which would be ah-mazing. I mean, we walk enough as it is, but a gym makes me feel like I’m actually doing something for myself, ya know?!? Anywho, enough of the boring stuff…
On to the drama.. ugh.
So, I’ve decided as of late, that I think I am going to move out of my host families’ house. Don’t get me wrong, Rosanna and Mario are nice people, but they are very strict with rules in their house, which is causing me to lose out on some vital things. For example, I am not allowed to use their internet and I am now jacking up my phone bill trying to communicate with family. Also, we are not allowed to use their phone, even with a calling card (weird, I know). I only found out today that I am allowed to use their refrigerator because Massimo (whom you might remember from my previous post) translated to Rosanna that I would really like to store some things. And on top of all this, I feel like I am living in a hostel considering there are eleven people using one bathroom. Yes. ONE. And Laura (Massimo’s wife) told me tonight that 5 more people are showing up tonight. Uhhh Not. Cool.
Laura thinks things will be better once she and her family leaves, but I can’t help but think that maybe more families will just take their Especially since Laura and Massimo are paying to stay here so it’s like a business, not a nice gesture to some family friends or anything.
Also, my roommate doesn’t stay here at night so I’m all alone. I really enjoy her company and we have classes together too but I basically don’t have a roommate because she stays at her friends’ house in a nearby village every single night. She doesn’t even have a suitcase here. It’s a shame because we get along really well and she is so fun.
Alas, I went to the accommodations office today at my school and asked for a host family that my one friend left (to move to a flat with another gal) because they have internet and better hospitality. So, we’ll see how this progresses. I really hate to move because I do feel at home here, in a way. But, we’ll see what happens. And of course I’ll keep everyone posted.
p.s. I just gave Massimo a whole list of questions that he can translate to Rosanna for me tomorrow before they leave. Hopefully this will clarify some concerns. Eh. We shall see..
Well, I hope everyone at home and around the country is doing well. I miss you all terribly and wish I could share all of these experiences first hand with you. I love you and will talk to you soon.


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