Monday, October 12, 2009

First Day in Roma..

[Written a few days before post-date]

Buena Sera!
Well, I made it to Roma! I’m very exhausted from not sleeping on the plane and will be going on nearly 30 hours with no sleep, but I’ll surely sleep well tonight. I was lucky enough to sit next to an American girl my age on the plane ride here so we shared magazines and watched movies & Friends episodes the whole time. I knew my nerves would never let me sleep anyways..

Once I got to the airport in Rome, my driver seemed to be annoyed with my ignorant American ways (2 large suitcases and 2 big carry-ons, for which you must remember that cars here are the size of a suitcase itself). But, he clearly doesn’t know me. Oh, and his driving made NYC taxi drivers seem like saints.

My host mother (or grandmother rather), Rossana is beyond lovely. She had me at “Ciao” lol. But honestly, she is the dearest lady. Very short, tiny, with dark gray hair, and huge glasses that give the illusion of bug eyes. Too cute. She talks fast and I don’t understand much but I pretend to, and figure things’ll play out as I go. Neither host parent knows much English, but sign language and drawings seem to be helping our communication. It took them about a half-hour to just explain how to open and close the gate to their apartment building this afternoon. But, we’re managing and I know enough Italian to get my point across.
My host grandfather, Mario, is absolutely presh. I gave him a gift, a book of Pittsburgh history, and explained in Italian that although the text was in English it had lots of illustrations to compliment the reading. He was very appreciative and told me he can understand some English, but only ‘un po’ (a little). So, I went back to my bedroom and then when I came out a while later, he was sitting in the kitchen reading the book (or at least looking at the pictures) and it was very sweet. He might be the cutest old man in Italy.

The apartment is molto grande!!! It’s the entire first floor of the building. There are four bedrooms, a family room, ONE bathroom, and a large kitchen. All the floors are marble, and my bedroom, specifically, has the biggest wardrobe set I’ve ever laid eyes on. It puts the wardrobe from Beauty and the Beast to shame. There are hand-painted butterflies on the outside then beautiful swans on the inside. Immaculate. Really, no words.

The reason for so many bedrooms is that they have three sons. One of whom has met the Pope (which is probably more common than I realize). They are all older and do not live with Rossana or Mario, but come to visit often. I can’t wait to meet them! (Hope they have some sons of their own, considering they’re in their late 40’s, early 50’s) ;) P.S. one of the son’s names is Massimo. The Wedding Planner anyone? lol.. I’m so lame.

Well, I’ve already written too much, but I wanted to give you an update and I’m sure there will be more to come later this week.

Stay tuned for roommate news and school orientation day…

-Kate (or Kat-er-een, as they call me)

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