Monday, November 9, 2009

Short 'n Sweet

Buena Sera,

Gosh, not a whole lot to report on my end so far this week. Kind of feel like I’m getting into a routine of things, which is always good. Guess I can update you on my accommodations situation.
I believe we left off with me telling you that I wasn’t very comfortable living with my current host family. Maybe some people are okay with 15 strangers sharing one bathroom, and unless you’re the Duggars, this is just NOT okay. Thus, I started to look into my other options.

After meeting with the accommodations department at my school for about 3 weeks, I decided that sharing an apartment, rather than staying with a host family, would be a better option for me. I think host families are there for students who need some support or guidance, for example, a younger student. And that really is best for some people. But, at this point, I think I can handle things on my own and I’ve got enough of the culture surrounding me 24/7 to keep me submerged in the Italian way of life. (my spinning class alone is enough of a culture shock every day- all those tight Italian butts, and they still eat carbs?? ..completely foreign to me)

Anyways, I found out that there was an opening in a 3-bedroom apartment in one of the best areas in Rome for young people. It’s also a 5 minute walk from two of my good friends. So, I was really excited. The other two girls living in the apartment are both American, but do not go to my school. Still, I think it’ll be nice to meet people outside of class. Thus, the accommodations office recommended I see the apartment before settling on my decision. So, currently, an Irish boy named “Porick” (sp?)(Gaelic for Patrick) lives in the room I’ll be moving into. He met with me after class last week and we spent the evening touring his neighborhood and apartment. The room will be superly duperly teeny tiny, but welcome to Rome. He told me not to look into the other girls’ bedrooms because it’ll just upset me with how much bigger they are. But then again, they are probably paying a whoooole lot more than I am too. So, I’m okay with my cozy abode. Porick was such a great help and a really nice guy. I took him to a local pub to meet my friends on Friday night, and Saturday he took me to a concert with his friends at Circolo Degli Artisti Coop, a very hip venue outside of the city. So, here I go adding another country to my Roman friends list:
And I’m sure I’ll be adding more as the months continue..

Anyways, I should be moving in this upcoming Saturday. A bunch of my friends said they’d help me move-in so I’m very lucky to have the help. I’ve acquired so many things while staying here that it’d be next to impossible to move everything myself.

So, hopefully I will have updates on my living situation next week, or even as close as this weekend. (I’ll have new internet at the new apartment! So hopefully it’ll be faster than this one) Until then, hope you are enjoying the blogs. Sorry this weeks’ is a bit boring. Maybe I’ll post again later in the week once things are more in motion. Either way, talk to you soon.

Tanti Bachi,

1 comment:

  1. i miss you my katie love :)...glad to hear you are having such a great time! I envy the way you fit in so quickly and seem to feel completely at home! I get homesick the day after i arrive no matter how much fun I'm having! I love you my dear, please be safe....continue to have fun and give those irish men a bit of lovin from the calvinator...
