Thursday, November 19, 2009

Back from the Dead

Currently listening to: OneRepublic "Good Life"
listen here:

Hey Friends,

First of all, I want to apologize for the super long delay on my latest entry. As my *cough cough* “editor” posted the other day, I’ve been out sick with the stomach flu for the past week. I am still on the mend, but considering I took a five-hour nap this afternoon, I am in no hurry to jump back in bed.
Ergo, I am back to grace your presence with another update on my adventures here in lovely Roma. And, as I am sure the details of this past week will surely not be missed, I will thus jump back a week before, to my move-in weekend!

For those who need reminding, I decided to move on from my host families flat, to one of my own that I’m sharing with 2 other gals. Our cozy abode rests right along the Tiber River with a view of Trastevere across the bridge. And if you juuuust stretch your neck enough you might see the tip of the Vatican from our kitchen window too :)
It’s really a great building with huge oak doors, a classic early 1900’s-style lift, big windows in each of our bedrooms, a huuuge bathroom, an extra bathroom! (total plus), and a great kitchen too.
The surrounding area is wonderful as well. Of course we have the river on one side, but then we’re also just a few blocks from great shopping, theatres, restaurants, a tiny park, and the bus-stop (which is handy for me with class being 40 minutes away). So, it’s really a practical location.

Anywho, it was kind of sad saying goodbye to Rosanna and Mario. I told them that I would try to visit them later in the year if I could and they seemed happy to hear that. They were very sweet throughout the whole move, not acting too disappointed or anything. I really didn’t want to hurt their feelings either, it’s just about my own personal comfort level with living amongst strangers whom they rented out rooms to. Of course, I never told them that’s why I am leaving. I said I was moving in with friends and I was with them all the time anyways so it made sense for me to leave. Either way, we left on a good note, and Nasrin, my old roommate who stayed at her friends a lot, was leaving a week after me so we said our goodbyes’ days ahead of time.

So, my friend, Isabella, helped me move all my stuff out and back into my new place whilst I simultaneously kicked Padraic out of his room to hand over the keys. Haha! I kid. Although he did threaten to lock the doors and pretend not to know who I was when I came a knockin’. And honestly, I wouldn’t put it past his Irish trickery ways to carry through with it..
No worries, he didn’t of course. He hung around a bit before he headed to a hostel (god that’s so depressing isn’t it- I am a mean person). I met up with him the next day though and he seemed to have survived alright. Some odd situation with an older lady being in his room when he got there, but I think they figured that out.. lol
Never-the-less, everyone is settled, my roommates are great. Dezera is from NYC, she’s a broadway performer but teaching English here in Rome and has lived here for 2 years now. And Karry is from Los Angeles and is in International Relations but teaching English here as well. They’re so awesome. We cook and drink wine every night at the dinner table. So, I’m very blessed to have them as roomies.

Don’t know how much I’ll be hanging with my crew this weekend, as I mentioned I am still recovering from my bout with the influenzia. Bleh! Oh, and there is also a little thing going on tomorrow, maybe you’ve heard of this movie coming out, New Moon? Lol Yeah, so my Friday plans have basically been penciled in for about a year now. Other than that, I’ll have pictures up of the new place surely this weekend. I’ll post a few on here and then more on Facebook.

Hope everyone is healthier than I am these days and continue to stay healthy. Oh, and hopefully I’ll post before then, but if not, please, please, PLEASE enjoy your Thanksgiving dinners for me. As I am sure it won’t be quite the same atmosphere here in Rome this week as in America. But, rest assured I WILL be making a Thanksgiving dinner- just maybe a little less grand than I’m used to :)

Love you, miss you, and chat with you soon.


p.s. Happy (belated) Birthday to one of my best friends from home, Lindsay Heckthorn!! 23 girllllll!!! Woohooo!!! Love you girlie!!! Kiss kiss! (oh and you better believe I found the most gorgeous Italian wedding dresses here…probably a little out of your budget though lol) Miss you tons sista!!

1 comment:

  1. hey doll! glad to hear your new place is working out! we miss you terribly :(....hope you start feeling back to your old self! being sick is shitty...i've already been there this year....hope things are going well in your are done in 2 weeks! yay! if you ever get time i'd love to hear from you! probably a fb msg would be best since calling internationally is basically out of the question! love you doll....can't wait to hear from you!
