Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stuart Cousin Adventure: Parte Due (II)

Buongiorno Tutti,

So, this week my two cousins, Maggie and Caroline, came to visit me in Rome! We had a ton of fun together. They arrived last Sunday and for a few days we just walked around Rome, and they did a few tours to see all the sites while I went to class. On Wednesday, we made a trip out to Napoli, which ended up being a little unexpected adventure ;)

The last time I went to Napoli (Naples), was with my school, and we went by bus, so I didn't really pay attention to where we were and how we got there. Thus, as we got off the train on Wednesday, I was all out of sorts, and to make matters worse, someone thought it would be a great idea to put the train station in the worst area of the city. So, that was not. cool. But, having the adventurous Stuart blood in us, we found our way out of an uncomfortable situation and into the main shopping/ristorante district.

After the, also unexpected, long train ride (3 hours), we were famished! So, we jumped into the first cafe we could find. Then, we just meandered around town, dodging beggers and garbage that lined the streets. (quick history lesson: Napoli went 4.5 months without any garbage pick-up....mafia issues- I don't ask! but, this issue is still being fixed so there's still a sanitation issue at hand) Anyways, eventually after a much needed gelato break, we stumbled into a nice bar/gelateria. Once the bartender realized I spoke Italian we became the objects of everyone's affection in this place. Three bartenders actually slide their numbers over to us with glasses of water to take us out that night! HAHA! Yeaaaaahhhh, not exactly sure that Napolitano's were on our agenda for that day. So, I gently told them that we would be leaving...immediately. From there, we just grabbed a few traditional Napoleon pizzas for the road. So, it wasn't the day we were expecting, but if nothing else, at least we got to enjoy some real, authentic pizza, famously originated in Napoli, Italia in 1780. (a little better than your neighborhood Pizza Hut)

On Thursday, it was a normal day as I headed to school and the girls went out shopping in Rome. Then on Friday, we took another day excursion out to Orvieto, Umbria (just north of Rome, Lazio) with Maggie's bf Lance (who is currently studying in Rome, as well). We had a lot of fun there. It really reminded me of Montepulciano, Pienza, and Siena. It had a very Tuscan-feel to it. We also really lucked with the weather, in both Orvieto and Napoli, meaning NO rain, which is a rarity in Italy right now. Orvieto was so pretty, all nestled up on a hill, like Montepulciano, and is known for its wine. So, we obviously had to have a few glasses to get the full feel of Orvieto ;)

Well, after a week, I'd say we really enjoyed ourselves. Despite the disappointing visit to Napoli, it's never a real Stuart vaca unless some sort of adventure is involved, so we really should have seen that one coming.. But, I'm so lucky that 3 of my cousins and 1 of my best friends has visited me (Maggie, Care, Hillary, and Jennie Ziringer) in Rome. Who knew I was so popular! haha! juuuust kiddin'...

So, two more weeks left of school then my parents arrive in Italy! Then, we're traveling all of Italia before my departure back to the homeland. Can't believe this chapter is almost over. Scary.. Sad.. But that's a WHOLE other post for another day :)

Well, enjoy your Sunday and I'll write to ya'll soon!
